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Thursday, June 3, 2010

1st Day in Sierra Leone: Being Too Gullible and Taking Cold Showers

6/1/10: Pleasantly surprised with flight attendents' English accents.  I shoudl've lsitened extra well for Iris' sake.  Oddly enough, one of them kept on saying "Madame" and "excusez-moi" - I guess she was French.  I was almost going to reply with "de nada" when I realized that was totally not french.  Ack - getting languages mixed up and I don't even know that many.  Watched Temple Grandin - movie about autistic girl who got bachelors, masters, and doctorate - quite interesting. 

I'm Too Gullible - what's new:
Off the plane and I get bombarded by people asking for help.  I refused everyone and decided to travel with some ppl I met on the flight.  They got delayed by lost baggage, and since I had to meet soemone, I decided to go on my own to find the water taxi.  But by then, everyone had left the building and I was left to the mercy of the vultures.  A guy just grabbed my bag and asked if I was going on a water taxi.  Though I knew ppl helped only to ask for money later, I saw he had a tag and thought he was an airport worker (somehow diff from other ppl there), so I let him help me get a ticket and call Mike.  Oops.  A Canadian from the flight tried to help me by saying he was with me, but I readily claimed I was on my own.  Oops again - thwarted the person's good intentions to help me.  SO I ended paying a little tip.  Anyhow, learned not to let epople help me - didn't learn from last time I came here, but I'll know from now on.  I'll think of it as a little donation.  "small small"  I guess what's important is I got picked up by Mike and I'm safely at the apartment - quite nice!

Cold Showers:
Yup, for the next 9 weeks - not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing.

Where I'll be living:

As an aside, here's a little video about my last trip to SL: D-Lab Development


  1. Oh wow, you're there already?!! I still haven't finished finals yet... At least you've made it to your destination. Which part of the country are you staying in?

  2. how long are you going to be there? :D could you send me a postcard?
