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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Baby Animals

Super cute baby animals!!!

I especially like the chimp, the kangaroo, and the donkey. :D

Thanks dad!

Saturday, December 15, 2012


Parents are the Best #4:

Me (after arriving at a hotel): Wow, I'm not used to being treated so well here. 
Dad: No surprise, you are a doctor to be and should be respected in any place!
Me: reality, I still feel like a little kid.
Dad: Good, keep the heart and every kid you meet will love you.


-Very poignant entry about what it's like to a mother to a child with mental illness: Thinking the Unthinkable

-Twelve Facts About Guns and Mass Shootings in the United States

-Unbelievable. Tragic. Can't imagine what being a parent in that situation is like.