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Sunday, November 20, 2016

New Discoveries about AB and myself since being Married

  • He has never been anywhere cold. You'd think I'd figure this out earlier, but nope, just found this out while trying to plan a trip to Beijing in the dead of winter. This is gonna be interesting....  When I asked where's the coldest he's been, reply: "New York or the summer...or the air conditioning at work."  Uh oh....
  • So glad we got a robotic vacuum b/c neither of us likes to vacuum
  • Snoring is not that easy to deal with...penetrates even ear plugs sometimes.
  • His beard is reddish!
  • He likes to sleep on his right side
  • He looks like 3 year old when he sees snowfall
  • Even though we're both not very materialistic or gift oriented, he still gave me flowers on Vday (actually, day before)
  • Other than not liking green peppers, melons, celery, grapefruit, pineapple, he also doesn't like peas
  • I'm bad at doing the laundry, picking up mail, throwing away the trash...somehow AB quietly gets all those things done secretly.
  • Does not know how to use a can opener. Yup. True.
  • Something about soap and socks
  • To be continued...