Graduation kind of felt like...a play. I felt like I was directed here and there, and then all of a sudden, it was all over. It all started out with seeing random people in the hallways and hearing them say "congratulations." It was so strange. I kept on forgetting I had anything for people to congratulate me with because it's not like I had a really difficult exam so I felt some kind of cathartic relief from finishing it or I just won some amazing tennis match where I was pushed to my physical limit. I just felt like I was going on with my daily life and people came up to me to say "congratulations!" Everytime somebody said that I probably had this horribly astonished look on my face.
Anyhow, it was all good. I cheered for people who couldn't hear me while the people in front of me became deaf or annoyed. In the meanwhile, I probably managed to be only person in the 2,000 graduates to have an odd colored graduation gown. Mine was a tad...gray or blue compared to everyone else's. I guess that's what I got for being cheap. Oops! In the end, they still let me walk, get my diplomas (ooo...mine had rubberbands around them because I got two!), and eat food from the awesome two receptions I got to attend!
Got to say a last goodbye to some friends and show off my insanely cute brother :) Also realized I managed to go a whole semester in a group project with somebody without realizing that one of my teammates has the same life story as me: born in Hangzhou, lived with grandparents in China while parents lived in US for a few years, and now planning to go to Washington University in St. Louis Medical School. Oblivious...
Best accomplishment this week: packing all my things into suitcases! - packing is such a hassle!
Congratulations!! >.>
ReplyDeletecongrats yi!!!