Monday, March 28, 2022

Baby 6mo

 2/26/22 (6mo)

This is such a cute age! He is sleeping longer (9-9:30 to 7:30-8), his interacting more, he has little laughing fits, and he is so adorable! 

We are a little worried that he seems to get angry really easily, I'm hoping it's just because he's still a little. Instead of crying sometimes he just makes angry grunts. 

We try some more foods like zucchini, carrots, strawberry. At one point he did have some diarrhea one day, and we thought maybe it was from old yogurt but then he also had eaten a whole tub of recalled formula. 🤷


Petted his first chicken..not amused. 😅


He started turning to his right! Which makes for difficult sleep time because he would get stuck on his stomach and be upset and not sleep. Prior when he did that only to the left, we would put him close to the left and he wouldn't be able to turn..but now we can't do that since he is turning both sides. First day we had to flip him over. But second day he learned it was ok to sleep on his stomach. And then I saw he learned to turn back onto his back! Hopefully sleeping won't be an issue! 

Since he sleeps after being awake for 2.5 hours, we sometimes run into the night time issue where last nap ended at 4p and next nap starting at 6p. Do we let him keep sleeping and then risk him waking super early or do we wake him for another awake time? Fortunately recently when we've been waking him up around 7:30 to 8:00 p.m., he will go back to sleep around 9-9:30 p.m. Lately we've been feeding him right after waking, when he's a little bit more subdued, otherwise he gets super excited and doesn't want to eat very much. We are still doing some dream feedings around 11:00 p.m., and sometimes even during the day when we see him stirring from his nap. He can rotate 360 on his tummy (like if there is a toy on his left, he can turn there).

We've been trying to give him food after an hour or two hours of milk. We noticed that if he had too much milk before, he might vomit.

His eyes and cheeks have gotten bigger so many people comment on how cute he is, even strangers. Right now he seems like a very happy baby, and he gets so excited in the mornings and after he wakes up. He smiles so much and likes to laugh and kick and jump. He is always breathing hard from his excitement. His cheeks are getting big and jiggly!

I'm happy that I reached 6 months of pumping, so I'm trying to reduce it. I've been slowly moving to pump sessions closer together. At one point I think I went too fast and started having some tenderness, but it resolved after a day after I took some measures: heat, massage, lecithin, probiotics, hot shower, a little more frequent pumping. Now, pumping twice a day isn't too time consuming, and I feel more like a normal person. It's nice that I don't have to worry about it during the day, and I don't have to schedule around it. My supply has continued to drop consistently, which is good for not having engorgement and clogged ducts. 


Started getting on his knees and scooting backwards. 😂

He also has had a major drop in bottle/formula/milk during the day. Int he morning it seems like he is too excited and will drink max 4oz. Hoping he makes up for it in solids, but I'm not too sure. Sometimes we would offer bottle all the time seeing he is making sucking motion with his mouth, and he would refuse 10 times before he will take down 7oz when he is half asleep. So strange that he eats so much better half asleep. Talked to coworker and she says sometimes babies are like that. And maybe see how things go, but may need to wean him off the bad habit. But since his weight has always been low, AB is hesitant to stop dream feeding. 

We were at Teahouse and the waiter came by multiple times to look at him. At a Persian restaurant the waitress said he was "so cute!" And several other people at grocery stores and restaurants made comments too. 


He put one hand forward while on his knees! 

This is really a great time! He is interactive, smiles a lot, laughs, and doesn't move around yet so I don't have to chase him. 😂 Such a cute age! 

Funny quotes: 

Yw: Baobao why are you always breathing so hard?

After tummy time and kicking and Baobao puts his head down to rest: Ab: Baobao got tired. 

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