Monday, July 6, 2020

Memories of 2020

*Utah ski trip: Park City. Trying out skiing essentially first time. Great park, beautiful weather, beautiful views. Walked around Mormon Temple. Fun to hang out with church friends and KP!
*Couches, elliptical, grill from Nextdoor App. First time grilling
*Dentist appointment at friends new clinic
*Come from Away musical
*Rock climb 5.11a, AB: 5.10a
*Flag football (cancelled)
*Having to pay a lot of taxes and a fee for not withholding enough
*Clementine tree planted in front yard, fix sprinklers
*Watched Oscars and the film's: marriage story, joker, parasite, once upon a time in Hollywood, 1917.
 *Saw last Rockets game... of the year! (March)
* Finding out interesting petpeeves of AB
*Birthday dinner: last gathering ....of the year?
*Mountain biking: Sugarland, woodlands, cypress creek, Terry Hershey Anthills.
*Patio furniture and eating outside socially distanced with few friends weeks apart.
*Fixing dripping gutter
*lavender died. Orchid reflowered and then died :(
*Getting first covid positive patient
*July 4th visit to Seattle during mandatory PTO: mask on airplane, disk golf for the first time (so much fun!). Backpacked Navaho pass and peak, kelp-ing, socially distanced visiting friends, played overcooked and 3d Mario.
*Disk golf, our new hobby
*Play Sky: Children of light game
*Ate yam leaves from our garden, basil
*hit and run of my parked car at work
*Painting Venice
*Backpacking Navajo Peak and Enchantments, WA
*Friend join work (LA)
*Watching Hamilton, Mandalorian, Agent Carter, Queen's Gambit, Incredible Kimmy Schmidt, Veronica Mars, Indian matchmaking, Love is Blind, Married at first sight
*Social distanced pumpkin carving
*Giving AB first haircut
*Church book club: Sacred Marriage, Confessions by St Augustine.
*Read Talking to Strangers, Last Boat out of Shanghai
*Austin with SG (Padernale Falls, Mckinney Park)
*Crazy election Trump vs Biden
*Zoom workouts every Tuesday
*1024 meeting new friends
*Making all things lemon from lemon tree: lemon chicken, lemon tart, lemon cheesecake, pesto, hummus
*Christmas break trip cancelled 2/2 covid california lockdown. 
*Zoom Thanksgiving and Christmas
*Covid vaccine
*Finished reading the Bible FINALY after 4+ years. 
*Austin hill country road trip: Colorado Bend state park, longhorn caverns state park, Enchanted rock. 

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