Sunday, June 18, 2017

Baby AB

During father's day, ABs mom was reminiscing about baby AB.

- Cried really loudly as a baby, louder than the other babies.
- Cried every time he was put down on the crib or when dad picked him up.
- Used to draw out calendars (January, Feb...)
- After arriving at aunt and uncles home from school, AB asked for pen and pencil and quickly drew the streets from the school to the house. The uncle confirmed all the streets were correct.
- He would read the TV guide and confirm it was correct.
- When he was 6mo and looking through the newspaper and flipped from colored to a black/white page, he would cover and uncover his eyes. 
- Parents had told him he was gonna have a sister. But when it turned out to be a boy, AB told his principal that he changed his mind and is getting a sister. 
- There was a spill on aisle 13 of the grocery store. So from then on, he would always go back to that aisle every time he went to that grocery store to see if there was a spill.
- His mom went shopping and 3yo AB said don't spend all the money, need to save some money for college. 
- When 12yo, was super upset when he didn't get on the all star team for little league.
- In high school, was lying down sullen and depressed after the stock market tech crash.

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