Friday, February 8, 2013


Previously, I had mentioned how people want to be fat, but I didn't realize the extent.  Apparently people purposely take this drug/herb/something to make their butts bigger.  Hahaha, I was warned that if I wanted to get a dress made, it might not look very good on me because of my lack of curves.  Meanwhile, I was told that breasts weren't considered a sexual organ, but only for the purpose of breastfeeding whereas the key attraction is a big bottom.  (In my head, I'm singing, "I …like… big butts, and I cannot lie…") 

Meanwhile, I was amusingly listening to the UK midwives discuss the issue of obesity.  They conceded that obesity was a huge problem in the UK, but they couldn't believe how unashamed Americans were in showing off their bodies on the beach despite oozing out of their bikinis.  One was telling us a story of going on Southwest, and seeing a very large man, and feeling sorry for whomever was going to sit next to him – of course, that person ended up being her.  She continued to describe how unpleasant her trip was because he was taking up 1.5 seats, how the seat was slanted towards him because of the weight, and how she kept on sliding towards him.  At the end of her trip, her whole left side was wet from his perspiration.  And she is just this tiny 5 foot lady.  She claimed that Southwest was putting obese people in the window seats so they would not cause an obstruction in the case of an emergency.  Hahaha, what an interesting theory.

The other midwife mentioned her experience to Disneyland where people were being weighed before getting on rides (I had no idea that was happening!).  And there were people who were so big that they needed strollers – which definitely reminded me of Walle.  Meanwhile, the other midwife complained people should get to take on the airplane a combined amount of weight of their bodies and their luggage – so that lighter passengers should get to take heavier luggage.  Hahaha, it totally makes sense, but I can see all the Americans getting angry about discrimination or something like that.  

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