Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sawed off a FOOT!

That was a pretty darn good b-day present - well, unintentionally.  But it was still pretty awesome (not for the patient, obviously).  It's of course very sad that the patient had to lose a foot, but in the long run, it's for the best.  It was already causing or associated with so many issues (sepsis, altered mental status, acute kidney injury, cardiomyopathy,  arrhythmia), that it was a necessary procedure.
Anyhow, I used a Gigli Saw! (put wire saw under the bone, hold the handles, and shimmy the saw under the bone with a force upwards).


  1. :-( That sounds quite sad to me, Yi... But since it was for the best, I guess it was good that you got the experience. I would definitely not appreciate seeing it, not to mention doing it! You are very brave.

    Happy belated birthday!

    1. Ah well, it was a difficult case. But it was quite interesting to see. Thanks for the b-day wish! Miss ya!
