Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Patient Passed Away

Well, this wasn't really a patient I was following closely, but definitely a patient with whom I had some contact with.  It was a very sad case of end stage muscular dystrophy and unknown sepsis.  It was strange finding out the patient passed away.  It was kind of a shock, but since I had only helped change the wound vac, I didn't feel that impacted.  Is this a sign that I'm getting jaded?  I hope not!

Then not long after that, I found that a patient I had helped rub sulfadiazine on for burns also passed away.  This time, this was someone for which I had no expectation of passing away at all.  He was doing well, but unfortunately got burned because he wasn't able to express that his bathing water was too hot.  Such horrible luck!  But the burns themselves weren't terrible, and I had expected a complete recovery.  Ah, so unexpected.  Seemingly perfectly fine, then all of a sudden, passed away.  Can't imagine what guilt the caregiver must be feeling! 

1 comment:

  1. That's really sad... :-( But I'm glad that you are coping with it so well, Yi. *hugs*
