Saturday, July 10, 2010

Scariest Experience in SL

Going to the kitchen at night to get a spoon, hands down. Although I've never been fond of the dark, I've actually gotten used to doing everything by candlelight. But going to the kitchen is different because of the creepy crawlers. Not just one or two - I'm certain there's a colony living in the kitchen cabinets and the walk-in closet. I remember the first time I had to venture into that land of critters. I had been coughing like mad because, what a surprise, I had forgotten to take my cough medicine. I was already dreading the trip because it was a hassle getting out of my mosquito net, finding some form of light, and then going out of the comfort of my room. Anyhow, I got to the kitchen and opened the cabinet to get a spoon. And as luck would have it, I found many little six-legged friends crawling around trying to help me find a spoon for my cough syrup. Yup, that's when I jumped and slammed the cabinet door closed.

I failed to learn my lesson, so there was a next time. But this time I learned to flash my flashlight in the crack of the door to drive most of them away, and then loudly tap on the door to finish the job. And what do you know, it worked. Of course, I frantically washed the spoon with a lot of detergent, and really quickly in case the cockroaches in the sink also planned to visit me. Man, so much trouble just for a freakin spoon.

Actually, bugs are not so bad anymore because we just got an exterminator to come say good bye to my little friends. But every once in a while, one will still pop out. Man, these bugs are so durable. I've even found dead lizards, so I have no idea how these bugs still thrive.

1 comment:

  1. omg! gross! at least it's not creepy people sneaking up on you! Do you live alone or with other housemates?
