Monday, June 28, 2010
I Can't Believe I Waited 4 Hours!!!
I can't believe I waited 4 hours to have someone type a few 0's and a few lines on a sheet of paper and sign it! I went this other day to a lab to get results for our plumpy nut to make sure there are no germs in it. I waited for probably an hour before someone finally came and said I can go take a observe the lab procedure (which I also went to do). That pretty much consisted of the lab guy saying "Look, it's all purple still, which means no microbes." And then I continued to wait. Got so bored I went downstairs to watch the World Cup. I finished A WHOLE FREAKIN SOCCER GAME, and then I went back to ask what's going on. Only then did she finally get on her computer to type up the results and print it out. Why couldn't she have just done that FIRST and then done whatever she needed to do? Why did she have to make me wait FOUR FREAKIN HOURS!!! Why did she tell me it was going to be ready at NOON when it wasn't ready till AFTER FIVE!!! Ah...I hate how Sierra Leone has no concept of time! I guess the plus is that I got to watch the US vs. Slovenia game, which was pretty intense.
Lots of waiting in Indonesia as well. Your internet situation seems better than mine!