Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Medical School: Not Awkward At All

Dissected Thorax, Now the Inguinal Region:
If you aren't aware, the inguinal region is essentially your groin area. Well, so one night, I was studying anatomy with some friends, and I realized that I knew the names of the things going through that region, but had no idea what they did. So starting with the question: "What does the spermatic cord consist of/do?" it ended in a conversion with two guys about how the design of it allows guys to walk uninhibited (had no idea what the hand/arm gestures meant), how the cremaster muscle pulls the gonads in for temperature homeostasis, details about circumcision, and other anatomical enlightening topics. Haha...not awkward at all.

First preceptorship:
First shadowing primary care physician experience! I actually got to use my stethoscope and listen to a heart murmur and gurgling indigestion. But I couldn't really hear the murmur. All I could hear was the lub dub of a normal heart. :(

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