Sunday, September 26, 2021

Baby's first month


So when things looked like they were improving...

1) Baby started eating very frequently again, seems like endless breastfeeding because he would feed, semi-fall asleep. But then when we tried to put him down, he would wake up after a few minutes needing to feed. So feeding sessions would be hour long (with burping between), and sometimes continue to other side and then other side and then other side endlessly. 

Because of these endless feeding sessions, we decided to do bottle + pumping at night time. Thank goodness for awesome hubby's help. 

Helpful to understand these cluster feedings.

2) I started getting breastfeeding nausea. Kind of like first trimester pregnancy nausea. I hate nausea - it's one of the worst feelings. It was also associated with gas - both above and below. Looks like it won't go away till 6-8 weeks postpartum 😑. It's gonna be a long 4 weeks minimum...  Sounds like I need to drink more water and eat more before breastfeeding/pumping: However I still get nausea/gassy. 

3) After trial of stopping ibuprofen, I started getting breastfeeding cramps too. 

2.5 weeks:

*Seemed like baby was taking a long time to feed because he was falling asleep and not actually feeding. Helped to keep him awake by pinching or doing tear duct massage, also putting him on cold hard floor and diaper change. Then after feeding for 25 min on each side, he seemed satisfied and could sleep for at least 1-2 hours. 

Doing bottle feeding of pumped milk has been a life saver. Baby could sleep for 3-4 hours, which was a much needed break for me and I only needed to pump for 30min (I'd be up 1 hr  getting ready, pumping, putting things away, etc). I pumped about 2-3 ounces.

We started using pacifier and that's been super helpful too. AB can get him to suck on it for a bit and so we don't have to be nonstop feeding him. Sometimes he just wants something to suck on to go to sleep. 

3 week: 

He seemed not satisfied again with 1hr of feed. Not sure if it's because of growth spurt or if I haven't been diligent with keeping him awake, but decided to bottle feed (pumped or formula) him after 1 hr breastfeed. When he bottle-fed, I pumped. I think this keep me sane and allowed me time to rest. Sadly I could only pump about 1 ounce after I breastfed. Baby's weight gain is also not that great. Still at 5th percentile only!

Encouraging things for increasing supply:

I tried doing power pumping a few times to increase milk supply. Maybe too inconsistent with it. I think I got too complacent when there was a good day or when one time I got 3.5 oz at night. But then the next day I might only get 2 oz at night. The amount pumped varied so much! 

Also nausea and epigastric stomach pains may be related to constipation. Not moving or exercising much probably made my bowels stop. I would get 1-2 good days/evenings without nausea, and then it would return. 

3 weeks: 

YW's dad and brother came to visit for a week. We were worried how it would go, will we be so stressed out that there would be so much conflict? Will we be overly tired and unable to get along? What would be so tired from needing to entertain them? How are the trip went pretty well! It was really good to see them, and they really enjoyed seeing the baby. Since baby was sleeping in longer stretches, we were able to do some fun activities together. Like playing games, having a barbecue, taking walks outside and watching TV series. YW even drove her brother around some of the local neighborhoods.

3.5 weeks: 

Worthless, worthless, worthless. That's a lot of what's going through my mind as I think about how I can't even keep my child fed. Not enough breastmilk, and his weight gain isn't sufficient. Makes me think how worthless I am. Before he would sleep at the breast and cry shortly after we put him down to sleep. But now he won't even stay on the breast. He will suck a bit, and then cry and not latch/stay on the breast. I'm guessing it's because he's not getting much when he sucks. 

I was extra down on myself that evening, and certain things trigger it. But I feel much better after a few minutes. 

1 month! 

We've had better sleep by feeding him a lot via bottle (pumped or formula) before bedtime. And then feeding him a lot when he wakes up around 4:00 a.m. this way we only have to wake up once overnight usually... sometimes.

We visited paternal grandparents yesterday. It was our first big trip! Fortunately on the hour ride there and back he mostly slept. We packed more items then our two week trip to Europe. We brought breastfeeding/pumping equipment, diaper changing supplies, extra clothes, play area. Grandparents were very happy to see him and took many pictures. They prepared good food, and we talked about their experience raising us as children. It was a great trip overall, but we were pooped at the end.

We like watching him track our faces. We also like watching him sleep. Sometimes he smiles in his sleep. We've been able to go on longer and longer walks, since he's sleeping for longer stretches and eating bigger portions. We walked to a nearby park and watched a softball game and a high school football game. A couple weeks ago, we were nervous even to get him to the end of the block. But now he can stay out for more than an hour. 

Monday, September 6, 2021

Baby's First Week

Simple actions like looking around, smiling, winking, yawning, sneezing, hiccups look very cute.  Watching him adopt new poses or make faces, like "Blue Steel".  

Telling family and friends the good news.  Hearing family's happiness and friends' comments about the baby's looks.

Studying and holding the sleeping baby.  Thinking about which of his features match which parent or grandparent.  We think eyes and nose are like YW.  Mouth and hair are like AB.    

Thinking about how amazing that a baby was created.  Always makes YW teary to think about.  A tangible human representing this connection between the parents. 

Umbilical stump feel off day 7. Phew! One less thing to worry about and take care of (not getting vasaline/poo/pee on it.  Also circumcision healed in about a week too! No more vasaline ice cream cone needed on the site! 

We like the app babytime to track all the poops, pees, breastfeeding, bottle feeding, etc. Ovia parenting has had some helpful articles and milestones. BabyG has some good milestones and activities too. Too many apps! 

YW's physical recovery.  YW has always been in good shape, and had a pregnancy without complications.  So it was an unusual experience for her to stay in bed, and need assistance with day-to-day tasks, like getting to the bathroom and turning in bed.  These bathroom trips require peri bottle spray, frozen pads, hydrocortisone cream, tucks pad, dermoplast spray, vasaline on the wound. (Vasaline really helped tear healing, water based vaginal gel helped vaginal dryness/itching).  Pelvic floor pains even make sitting uncomfortable.  The donut pillow we brought to the hospital was a life saver. YW has never taken so much pain and other medications (Colace/Miralax stool softener, Tylenol/ibuprofen for pain, prenatal).  

YW's emotional rollercoaster because of hormones. YW is not typically very emotional, but since delivery, have cried or teared up daily whether from sad things, happy things, or unexpected things. Getting admitted for jaundice was particularly hard. 

Balancing the different approaches of parents and friends.  During pregnancy, we received much advice from friends.  YW's mom is staying with us for the first 6 weeks also.  While their advice and contributions have been very helpful, it is hard to balance all their different ideas with our own desires and research.

Feeding: when they say feed the baby every 2-3 hours, it may not seem THAT bad... But the problem is it takes 1 hour to feed the baby (20mim each side, unknown time to burp), another hour to change diaper, hold up to prevent spit up, put him to sleep, mom to go to the bathroom/eat...and by the time that's done, barely any time to nap before the 2-3 hours is up. And it's 2-3 hours from BEGINNING of one feed to the BEGINNING of next. NOT from end of one feed to beginning of next. Time is so precious! 

When to use formula.  Fear if baby is fed too much formula early on, the baby might reject breast milk later, or reject breastfeeding later, or YW's milk supply might be negatively affected (but if pump at same time, shouldn't be an issue).  We learned that women with longer deliveries and induced labor may have delayed milk, so we did use some formula early because he lost too much weight.  YW's milk came in at day 4-5, but demand exceeded supply during the early days, so YW started pumping to increase supply and AB supplemented with a half to 2 ounces of formula.

Baby's billirubin was high (20.2 at 4 day checkup; 19.8 in ER, LUL 20), so he spent one night getting phototherapy in the hospital.  Maybe if it was checked the day before or day after he would have been fine, but ultimately, probably didn't get enough to eat.  Since only 1 parent was allowed to stay with him, the night was very difficult, since YW had to take care of herself and the baby.  YW was not allowed to have visitors or leave the room, due to COVID protocols. YW couldn't even leave the room to get dinner, so didn't get to eat till midnight. Can't imagine being a single parent! It was a completely sleepless night. Also YW felt very guilty baby needed to be admitted to the hospital. She felt like a failure both as a new mom and as a pediatrician, even though she knew that's not true. 

Sleep.  AB was most worried about this.  It has been OK for him so far, since he has gotten adept at bottle feeding, burping and diaper changes.  However, it has been tough for YW due to breastfeeding demands.  Trying to use every last minute effectively, AB would feed YW while YW fed baby. 

Things I would have done differently:
-Ask for epidural earlier, not during shift change.
-Supplement with a little (half to 1 oz) formula earlier like day 2 before reaching 10% weight drop.
-given high rate of jaundice in Asians and family history, give formula and exposed to indirect Sun earlier.
-not be so worried about vaginal tearing, which seems inevitable in Asians.
-pump earlier to increase milk supply (I only got a few drops in the hospital so stopped until day 4-5, but I should have used the electric pump earlier and more persistently.)
It's pretty disheartening when you first pump, because you only get a few drops but with each subsequent pump you get more and more milk. See following website for different pumping settings for a different uses:

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Labor / Delivery

Wednesday August 25 due date:

3:30 AM YW water broke, but just a stream
5:30 AM  more water discharge, like a gush.  YW called nursing line, and told to go to triage.
7:00 AM we go to the Texas Women's Pavilion hospital with YW mom after eating food and gathering supplies.
7:30 AM to 9:30 AM in triage (only 1 visitor allowed).  YW did not feel any contractions at this point, but contractions had started.  Resting and conserving energy for a long day. 
9:30 AM we are admitted to room.  It is large, with a private bathroom, recliner and couch.  2 visitors are allowed.  Since water is broken, YW has an IV lines in arm, and a fetal heartbeat monitor on her abdomen.  Inserting the IV was painful, since a vein broke on first attempt.  YW's going to the bathroom is difficult, since the monitoring machines must be unhooked and re-hooked each time.  Also amniotic fluid was leaking.  
11 AM cervix is only dilated 1 cm.  Doctor starts administering pitocin to dilate cervix.  Doctor says labor can continue up to 48 hours after water breaks, if fluids are administered.  And dilation from 6cm to 10cm is often fast.  YW is only allowed to eat clears, but was allowed jello and apple sauce.  AB and YW's mom eat food from hospital cafeteria.  
4 PM cervix is only dilated 2cm.  Nurse advises to start pain medication, but says it is too soon for an epidural, since effectiveness may weaken after 18-24 hours.  AB does back massages and encourages deep breathing, but pain worsening.  
6:30 PM YW asks for an epidural due to increasing pain.  
7 PM is shift change, so a new anesthesiologist must come.  Contractions have increased in severity and frequency (now every 1-3 min).
7:30 PM epidural is administered, and YW feels much better.  AB and YW's mom wait in a separate room during the procedure.  
8 PM cervix is only 3.5 cm dilated.  When YW changes positions, or pitocin is increased, the fetal heartbeat decreases.  All of us can see the fetal heartbeat declines on an overhead monitor, which increases our anxiety.  The night-shift OBGYN doctor suggests a C-section may be unavoidable, since the baby will not tolerate stronger contractions and pushing.
11 PM cervix is dilated 5 cm.  
1:20 AM cervix is dilated 7 cm.  While that is encouraging, the fetal heartbeat continues to decline during contractions.  YW is afraid to fall asleep, since her deep breathing and use of oxygen blow-by mask seem to increase fetal heartbeat during contractions (we could be imagining things).  AB sits in chair next to YW bed, encouraging deep breathing and resting to conserve strength for pushing later.
3:30 AM cervix is still 7 cm dilated, pitocin is restarted at a low level.  Nurse is optimistic that C-section can be avoided, but doctor suggests C-section is likely.  
6:50 AM cervix is 9-9.5 cm dilated.  Good news, since the resident and nurse say that YW will at least be given the chance to avoid C-section.  
8:00 AM next day's OBGYN doctor (Crabtree) assesses situation.  At 10 cm dilation, she says vaginal delivery is possible.  But fetal heartbeat decelerations are concerning, and baby will not tolerate pushing very long.  At this point, we do not know if a C-section is 10% likely or 90% likely.    
8:30 AM many staff enter room: delivery nurses, neonatologist.  Dr. Crabtree says vacuum will be used if possible, for extraction.  But after 3 failed attempts with vacuum, will do C-section.  Room is prepared on 4th floor for emergency c-section.  

Doctor moves to base of bed, 5 others prepare around bed.  Doctor says to push 3 times with each contractions, for a 10-second duration each.  Nurse and AB count aloud.    

1st contraction: Some nurses encourage YW pushing, others communicate need for tools or body positioning (legs/chin).  Doctor says good progress made.  All are worried when they hear the heart rate (beeping) fall after contraction.  Desperately hoping to hear the beeping go faster.
2nd contraction: Doctor said she liked the way baby turned.  Heartbeat falls again, and does not rebound as quickly.  We are worried that heartbeat won't recover: would a C-section be needed, or a birth complication result?  The heartbeat does slowly recover over an agonizing minute.  Doctor says do not push next contraction.  AB thinks this can not continue for much longer.
4th contraction: Doctor tells a nurse to prepare a table.  This is the first time we start to have hope: could everything be ok?  YW pushed, the doctor applied the vacuum.  The vacuum falls off, but the last push is enough. Tears of emotion from AB and YW seeing the baby, and knowing emergency C-section is not needed, and baby appears OK.  8:40 AM is official time of birth. 

9:00 AM Nurses say baby appears fine, and YW gets stitches.  Both eager to see what he looks like.  His measurements are taken, and APGAR is 8 & 9.  He is purple, but nurses say that is normal.   Doctor says baby would have been born without vacuum in 2 more pushes, but she didn't think baby would've tolerated 2 more pushes.  She says no obvious reason for previous heart decelerations, maybe old placenta (calcifications)?  Did not have nuchal cord (around neck).  

Pathology report came back for the placenta: the cord was hypercoiled (associated with non-reassuring fetal heart tones/decrease in heart rate). The placenta also had some calcifications and fibrin clots. The chorionic villi had increase syncytial knots and intervillous hematomas, also associated with older placenta. So in short, older placenta with some issues that may have contributed to the decrease in heart rates. 

Saturday, September 4, 2021



Period late by 2 days, got pregnancy test: it's positive! According to pregnancy week by week app, I'm 4 weeks along. Poppyseed size, developing diff layers that will become the heart and skeleton, the internal organs, and the nervous system. Need time for info to settle. 

We found doing ovulation tests was much more accurate than calendar for me. We did ovulation test for 2 months, and now I'm pregnant. It had been about 1 year since I had stopped birth control, 4 months of not trying too hard, 3-4 months of using calendar, and maybe about 2-3 months of using ovulation testing. Turns out my ovulation date is 5-6 days later than what the calendar had been showing, so we hadn't been trying on the right days. In fact, we would try too much too early and by the time ovulation day rolled around, we were out of stamina. Also helped to track vaginal fluid. 

YW first impression: couldn't stop smiling, happy.

AB: mix of excitement and anxiety. Anxiety that everything is going to change like travel, seeing friends. 

AB: "When I heard you were smiling, then I was happy" 

YW: why? Because you thought I wasn't going to be happy? 

AB: Because all I care about is you being happy.

Other first thoughts: 
*Yay! (but also kind of expecting it because I was 2 days late for my period). 
*Good to know that we are able to get pregnant after a few months of uncertainty.
*Thinking about next year what to do for childcare. 
*Download pregnancy week by week app. Fetus is supposed to be size of poppy seed or sesame seed. 

AB: Oh my gosh! Can't believe it's developing circulatory and digestive systems! Seems craaaazy!

12/18/20: week 5 sesame size. 

Tadpole with tail.

AB: it's crazy that something can develop a heart out of nothing. 

1/4/20: Week 7: 

AB: Oh my gosh it looks like an alien! 

First OB visit.  First ultrasound, we saw and heard the heartbeat (133 bps).  YW got teary seeing the heartbeat.  AB was very surprised it was already visible.  It's a confusing time, bc miscarriages are most frequent during this stage, but we are seeing the first signs of new life.   


YW has started feeling more nausea.  Usually, it is in the evenings, or when a passenger in a car.  Not sure if it is connected to hunger or meals.  

no baby bump yet


Yay week 10! Baby is size of a kumquat! Last week, blueberry. Oh man, this past week nausea has been it's worst! Nausea and feeling full every evening and vomited 2 nights! Seems like exercise helps. Hope this week is better! 


Told parents pregnant. Dad was way too excited and told my grandmother before I could tell him not to tell anyone yet because it was still early. They were all pretty excited :) 


Told AB's parents about pregnancy.  AB wanted to wait until after parents had gotten 2nd COVID vaccine.  Before this week, he thought Mom would be distracted or worried about getting a COVID vaccine appointment.  It has been a chaotic and stressful process getting appointments for everyone.  Now that process is finished, parents can relax and be happy, without distraction.  

AB talked to Dad about our vaccine appointment and side effect experiences.  Then AB asked to share some news with Mom also (who was upstairs).  Mom talked about her vaccine experience.  Then she considered telling a dark story (likely some misfortune of a neighbor or a friend's friend).  But Dad said that wasn't a good idea right then, and AB/YW had some news to share.  AB's parents were very happy about the news!  We talked about AB as a child, who did not sleep through the night until 2 years old.  AB was worried our child could be like this.  But YW thinks that sleep training methods could encourage better sleep patterns.  We asked AB's parents not to tell anyone yet, since genetic testing is next week. 


First trimester nuchal scan and NIPT test. Strange to see a little head, body, arms and legs moving around. Glad we had good news on the NIPT test regarding no mutations. We decided not to read the gender and do a gender reveal video with help of our friends MC and TC. Idea is AB will hit a ball filled with the powder colored with the gender. Very creative idea from AB (and to make the balls from Easter eggs!). Hope to reveal pregnancy and gender to friends and family at birthday party. 🎉


159 bpm


We completed the gender reveal.  AB guessed we would have a girl, because many of our friends had boys.  YW thought we would have a boy.  MC and TC looked at the chromosome test results, and gave us an Easter egg filled with the correct color chalk.  (AB made chalk Easter eggs for both results).  YW was not nervous, but AB was anxious to visualize our family and parenting.  After YW tossed the egg in the air, AB thought time stood still.  In a few seconds, would he see pink chalk as he guessed?  After years of imagining having a family, the moment was here: would our first-born child be a older brother or sister?   

AB was shocked to see the blue chalk.  The chalk was lighter than expected, so YW was not sure.  AB thought about how a son might interact with our friends' kids and AB's brother's son.  We could also have more clarity in names and buying supplies.

Next day, we went to AB's parents, and AB's dad hit a chalk egg.  They had not heard of gender reveal games or videos.  The families of AB's parents had included many boys, so they were amused at the results.   


Birthday party and gender reveal for community group and friends. Blue center cupcakes with blueberries and blue ice cream cake with blueberries. Too much effort to make! 



Deciding where to go for babymoon. Iceland opened to vaccinated people, so we are planning to go there. But not sure about Greece yet, who said maybe open May 14th. Fingers crossed! We would like to travel before the kid, because it might be more difficult afterwards, and it has been a while since we've gone international. 

Nausea has improved! But still need to make sure not to overeat at dinner. 

We've gotten some supplies from our friend MLC. Now that more people know, we've been asking people for advice Re taking time off work, parents visiting, etc. 

Notes from Pavillion tour:
3rd floor registration
11th floor for normal delivery, ask for jacuzzi tub. Bridge on 3rd floor to icu
5th floor planned C-section
9th surgery unplanned (induced)
Button down shirt for skin to skin
Bring pillows , car seat, 1 outfit, nail file, toothbrush etc
Floors 12/14 for mom/baby

What to take from hospital:

$750 for suite

Anatomy scan went smoothly! Got to see baby who is now 12oz big. Size of a belgian endive or ear of corn, 10 inches. 

Took a baby bump pic:

And felt first kick! 


Trying to think of names. Nothing seems perfect yet. Ab says I'm over compensating so that's why I keep on trying to find strange names. 😂

Feeling a lot more kicking and AB is able to feel it too. Went camping while pregnant, not too bad! A little trouble sleeping sometimes, but the maternity pillow helps. Belly is also getting bigger and noticeable for the casual observer. 
Talked to work and learned I can be part-time after maternity leave, which is a big benefit because with AB's paternity leave and PTO, we can be sure to have someone with baby for the first 6 month. 

24 weeks and 6 days: 

 25 week 5/16/21
Very thankful that my glucose tolerance test came back normal! 
Celebrated with eating cake and sweets (office birthday parties). But still gotta remember to be careful.

Learned from lactation class:
6 months goal breastfeed 
Baby does not need feeding immediately. Wait 45 min
Don’t swaddle - they will be too hot to feed
Hold lower skull
Good latch produce more swallowing. If not latch, reposition tummy to tummy. Bring baby to breast (not vice verse). Offer both breasts. If cry and not eating, just hold. 
2nd day: 2 diapers. 5 days: 5 diapers
1st day: eat 1oz only.   3-5 days: 24 ozs
1st 2 weeks determines milk supply. More milk produced when more used. 

Learned from birth video:
Cold compress on face, hot compress back 
5-1-1 go to hospital
Bring massage devices and change positions often (video 2- times with contractions)
Usually water break at hospital, clear ok
Everyone gets iv , still move
Induce only medical reasons (41 weeks)
Episiotomy (incision) if necessary 
Bathroom shower before epidural (after 4cm) 15 min to take effect, 2 hrs to wear off after delivery 
Csection due to position

1 week  in Iceland
1 week in Greece. 

Installed car seat! A little more difficult than expected. Finished packing hospital bag. Still so surreal. 
Made calendar of baby-care after delivery (who's gonna be with kid for first 6 months). We are fortunate due to my future part time schedule, my mom coming, and AB's paternity leave, we won't need daycare/nanny for the first 6 months. Thank God! 
Booked flight for mom to come for a month after delivery. 
Attended some more church informational zoom sessions on becoming parents. 

Measured low fundal height at in-person appointment.  Doctor ordered ultrasound for 2 days later, and images showed normal growth.  Thank God for good news and smooth pregnancy so far.  

Friends threw baby shower with National Park theme.  We were not sure how large of an event to have, due to space and other considerations.  YW's friends did a great job doing creative decorations, organizing snacks and games.  The games were able to entertain both in-person attendees and online guests, which is hard to do.  We have been blessed with many supplies from church community and friends, and we have continued to accumulate supplies from Nextdoor as well.   

We narrowed our list of names to our favorite couple picks.  We want a name to be: not easy to make fun of, not too common, not too difficult to spell, and not identical to someone we know personally.  YW has always liked the name Wesley, so that is our current plan.  Our other final options are Atticus , August and Tobias.

36 week NP appointment went smoothly. Baby's pulse 135. Cervix 25 percent effaced and less than 1 cm dilated. GBS negative. 

Started to feel more full and burp more often. Definitely feeling those kicks. Also my feet started to swell if I let them hang too long. 

Doctor appointment went smoothly. Got my maternity band prescription. Cervical check still fingertip.  But afterwards I had some spotting for a day. 

8/8/21 37wk and 4 days.
We got the dresser for baby cloths, which also came with bed frame and night stands. Thankfully friends helped move it upstairs (since I wasn't able to help). 
Been trying to eat out while we can! 
Baby's been having a lot of hiccups. He has also been poking his butt or leg or arm out occasionally. I'm still having some pubic symphysis pain and also my left flank hurts when I sleep on my L side sometimes (goes away when I change position/stand up). I'm hoping the maternity band will help! 
We've been watching the Olympics as well - inspirational! 
Fellow pregnant friend delivered today! What an auspicious day! 

Went to play tennis few days ago, and maybe over did it because pelvic pain was worse the next day. Today we went to a community water park, and it was so nice to be in the water and not feel super heavy. 

Ab: Everytime my phone rang at work, or YW expressed discomfort, I would think that it might be time to go to the hospital.

8/25/21 Wed - Due date!!!
Yesterday had my 40w appointment (39w6d)! Baby's pulse 140. Cervix 50 percent effaced and 1cm dilated. No contractions or Braxton Hicks yet. Just waiting! Scheduled non stress test, ultrasound, covid test Friday. And induction likely Sunday evening. 

Baby moving a lot and a lot of people asking how I'm still chilling! Now that mom made it in ok Monday evening, ready for baby to come. 

3am: some wetness on my pad...did my water break? Little bit, slight pink. A little cramping. Will watch and see...
5:30am: gush of fluid! Water definitely broke! No contractions yet though. Heading to the hospital...