Friday, October 26, 2012


Interesting article about what the changes being implemented I'm the healthcare system.

Interesting quote regarding evaluating hospitals based on surveys:
“You go to Disney for a great vacation experience,” Dr. Rhonda Scott tells The Wall Street Journal. “You go to Ruth’s Chris for a great dining experience. Do you think it is a great experience when I tell you that you have stage-four cancer and you may be dead in three months?”

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Panda Baby! - Mr. Sausage

Babies are so cute, especially when it's a baby panda from the San Diego Zoo!

Here's Sausage in his earlier days:

Him as a newborn (quite a feisty one!):

Here's more panda fun from San Diego Zoo pinterest:

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Things I've Come to Hate from Studying for Step2

Things I've come to hate because I always get the question wrong:
  • Metabolic disorders - ase, ase, ase...they're all just some kind of ase deficiency
  • Recreational drugs/alcohol - just say no!
  • Factitious disorders - people! Stop harming yourself on purpose!
  • Endometriosis - seriously, that tissue is annoying enough by itself.
  • Viruses/bacteria that shouldn't appear because there's a vaccine - for heaven's sake - no, for your KID'S sake, please, please, please vaccinate your kids!  The article about vaccines causing autism was a complete sham - it was withdrawn with apologies!  So no excuses - vaccinate your kids!
  • Vitamin deficiencies - stop being so picky and just eat that meat and veggies (or take vitamin supplements), which leads to another issue...
  • Vitamin overload (like A) - yup, too much of a vitamin can be bad too
  • Psych diagnosis timelines: difference between schizophreniform vs. schizophrenia is one is 1-6mo of symptoms while the other is >6mo of symptoms.  Really?! Really?!
  • Sex- causes so many problems, diseases. Especially those pap smears - too many options, can't keep them straight.  Would make things a lot easier if people just didn't have sex, ever.  But as my friend astutely pointed out, that would make life as a pediatrician a lot harder.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Gangnam @MIT

Nope, my profs were never this cool: Gangnam @MIT (thanks kp)

Ever wonder what "Oppan Gangnam style" really meant or what the song is really talking about?  For the longest time I had no idea why it was so popular when that guy was dancing around so strangely.

And here's a Gangnam parody (ironic that it's a parody of a parody): MIT Gangnam Style

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Election Webcast About Politics, Taxes, and Healthcare

Interesting MIT Alumni webcast about politics, taxes, and healthcare with Professor Andrea Louise Campbell.  Unfortunately, you need to sign in, so here are some interesting points from the webcast:

  • Compared to other countries, US citizens' taxes are low - 3rd from the bottom.  
  • Example of country that has higher tax and not fiscally in turmoil:
    • Germany: Has 1/3 higher tax than US, and invests in education/training and infrastructure.  If there is too little taxation, there is a lack of investment in the people and structure.  
  • So most countries have universal healthcare, why is it so difficult for US citizens to accept universal healthcare?
    • During WWII, there were a lack of workers and a cap on wages, so to attract workers, employers started giving benefits, the most popular of which was health insurance from private insurers.  That continued after the war, and the government also passed a law for no tax on income spent by employer for health insurance, which further solidified the system.  Now, for the people who do have insurance, they like what they have, and don't want something new/change.  They are afraid that they're choices will be limited under a universal healthcare system.
  • Benefits of single pay system of universal healthcare (like Canada): administrative cost much lower.
  • 2/3 of population represented by Medicaid ("poor ppl program") are poor and children, 2/3 of spending are on disabled seniors - so the majority of spending from Medicaid is actually spent on disabled seniors.
  • Effect of election on Medicare ("old ppl program")/Medicaid:
    • Obama: relatively same amount of spending on Medicare/Medicaid (as needed federal spending - no maximum/cap on amount of money spent in those programs).
    • Romney: capped federal spending on Medicare.  Voucher will be given to elderly to buy premium for private insurance.  Also capped federal spending given to States for Medicaid (currently Medicaid is a combo contribution of State and Federal). 
  • Effect of election on taxes:
    • Obama: increase 4% on top 2 brackets (wealthiest) of tax payers.  
    •  Romney ("Ryan Budget"): decrease total taxes from 20% of GDP to 16% of GDP - never been so low since before WWII, before interstate highway system, Medicare/Medicaid.  To do this, most notably, there will be changes in Medicare/Medicaid as noted above.  
    • We used to have 25 tax brackets, now 5.  Now with low caps on fewer brackets, it means we're not penetrating the top brackets (of wealthy people).  
  • Most americans, when asked whether they want a central government with less power, if the government is wasting their tax money, etc, they say "YES!".  But when you ask the same people whether they would like to spend more money on public education, the poor, healthcare for the elderly, they also say, "YES!"  - "So US public is a little bipolar?" ..."Yes..."

Monday, October 15, 2012

Match = Economics Nobel Prize

The residency match (program that matches medical students to residency programs) got the Economics Nobel Prize!  Well...not exactly.  The person who invented got the Nobel Prize for it and other matches like organ donations: (Thanks JO)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

12 med student stereotypes

Which kind of med student am I?
12 med student stereotypes (thanks kp)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Top 15 Free Android Medical Apps

These are quite useful! Top 15 Free Android Medical Apps (from iMedicalApps):
  1. Medscape*
  2. Epocrates*
  3. Skyscape
  4. Evernote
  5. Calculate by QxMD*
  6. MedPage Today*
  7. Harvard School of Public Health
  8. Monthly Prescribing Reference (MPR)
  9. Standard Dictations
  10. USPSTF ePSS (electronic preventive services selector)
  11. PubMed Mobile*
  12. Ob Wheel
  13. Eponyms*
  14. Speed Anatomy
  15. Calorie Counter by FatSecret
*I downloaded

Others that I like: Prognosis (clinical cases)