Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Firsts for 2009

Keep track of things I did for first time this (MIT senior/med freshman) year...
  1. Went to Africa (Sierra Leone) and below the equator!
  2. Went to Nicaragua
  3. Went to Korea
  4. Went to the midwest (med school interviews)
  5. Went to a bar (in Amsterdam)
  6. Jumped into a river from a 20 ft ledge
  7. Went to a club (in Nicaragua)
  8. Made pumpkin pie and cheesecake ...from fresh pumpkin
  9. Tried the hooka
  10. Saw somebody pass out from drinking, rode on ambulance, stay overnight at hospital
  11. Went to a Red Sox game - vs. minnesota twins
  12. Played doubles tennis with Karina
  13. Saw C show
  14. Saw Roadkill Buffet - JBS and Paul were awesome
  15. Went to one of my friend's wedding
  16. Rode on a motorcycle (in SL)...only as a passenger
  17. Did Relay for Life
  18. Watched a Japanese, Korean, and Taiwanese tv drama
  19. Danced at a frat party
  20. Asked somebody to be my date
  21. Kind of went on a blind date
  22. Hiked on part of the Appalachian Trail (Moosilauke Mtn)
  23. Went to Walden Pond
  24. Played doubles against tennis coach Carol and Willie (aced both of them!)
  25. Graduated from MIT!
  26. Traveled around China by myself (well...with 2 friends.): 10 planes, 3 overnight trains, 1 hitch hike
  27. Rock climbed on a real mountain
  28. Had yack butter tea
  29. Got my white coat (WashU Med School!)
  30. Danced in Diwali Show (Bhangra booya!)
  31. Played an IM bball game
  32. Dissected a cadaver
  33. Ran 12 miles
  34. Passed a med school class!
...need to think later...